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  • info@moc.gov.gh
  • Office Hours: 8:00 AM – 5 PM

Director, ICT

Dr. Samuel Antwi-Gyekyi is the Director of Information, Communications and Technology (ICT) of the Ministry of Communication, Digital Technology and Innovations which is primarily responsible for research into Information and Communications Technology (ICT) to inform policy decisions. The Directorate is responsible for collecting and managing information of the Ministry received from diverse sources and distributing same to numerous audiences.
As a Chief IT/IM Officer, Director of IT at the Ministry of Communications and Digitalisation, and now assigned the Director for Research, Statistic and Information Management (RSIM), Samuel occupies a pivotal role in shaping the technological landscape of Ghana. His responsibilities encompass the coordination and supervision of ICT policy revisions for both the Ministry and Service-wide applications. He also takes a lead role in facilitating the implementation of the ICT and security components of the eMoC (e-Ministry of Communications) project, a significant initiative aimed at enhancing digitalization and efficiency in the public sector.

Dr. Antwi-Gyekyi's leadership extends to the design, development, and deployment of specified IT/IM projects within the Ministry and the Public Service at large. His innovative thinking and ability to conceptualize and execute impactful projects have been a driving force behind technological advancements in the Public Sector.
Dr. Antwi-Gyekyi's extensive career also includes a noteworthy tenure at the Office of the Head of the Civil Service (OHCS), where he served Acting Director of Research, Statistics, and Information Management. In this role, he oversaw the management and administration of the Research Statistics and Information Management Directorate (RSIMD). His leadership extended to reviewing procedures, standards, and guidelines supporting the implementation of IT/IM systems within the OHCS and the broader Civil Service.
He led the development of the current Scheme of Service document for the IT/IM Class in the Ghana Civil Service and has since become the technical adviser of the IT/IM Class in the service.
In his quest for excellence, Dr. Antwi-Gyekyi has continually sought to enhance his skills through professional certifications. Notably, he is a PhD holder with thesis in e-governance from CASS EUROPE, Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA), Executive Masters Business Administration (EMBA, Finance), International Laws in Cyber Operations, certificate in Artificial Intelligence (AI), a Certified Network Forensics Examiner and International Laws on Cyber operations, demonstrating his commitment to staying current with the latest trends and best practices in the field.

Directorate Functions

Core Functions

The Directorate as part of its mandate performs the following:

  • Ensuring the development and the application of IT/IM standards and quality assurance systems in relation to the implementation and the deployment or rollout of IT/IM systems and resources within the Ministry.
  • Reviews procedures, standards and guidelines to support the implementation of IT/IM systems within the organization.
  • Providing advice and direction on strategies for the identification, evaluation, selection, and implementation of current state-of-the-art technology solutions to support IT/IM initiatives of the Ministry.
  • Supervising the design and the deployment of IT/IM systems within the Ministry.
  • Supervise and coordinate the monitoring of operations of the Ministry’s IT/IM infrastructure and take appropriate actions to resolve them.
  • Coordinating the development and implementation of appropriate procedures, standards, and guidelines to support the procurement, deployment, and the implementation of IT/IM systems within the Ministry.
  • Coordinate and supervise the development of Ministry’s short- and long-term IT/IM plans by coordinating with other departmental heads and government agencies.

Units under the Directorate

The Directorate has three Units, namely:

  • Telecommunications Policy, Standards & Regulations
  • Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Policy, Standards & Regulations
  • Internet Management & Data Security Policy, Standards & Regulations
  • Vision

    To support the management and convergence of information and communications technologies to ensure the development of modern ICT infrastructure.


    The mission is to provide IT/IM personnel required to develop, deploy, manage and support Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and information and knowledge management systems and processes within the national economy arising from implementation of ICT platform for delivery of services.
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